This is The Ted O'Neill Program, a podcast that explores practices to maximize human performance from the mind of Ted O'Neill with Jon-Leon Guerrero.
0:22 Jon
Welcome to the Lifted Academy Program. That's got a ring to it. I am welcoming listeners from the Ted O'Neill Program and from Levelheaded Talk because we're unified in purpose this week, and we're talking about purpose this week.
0:36 Andrea
Yes, purpose is the foundation of a meaningful and fulfilling life. And we're talking about how without purpose, we kind of wander aimlessly or we think that our job is our purpose. We think our kids are our purpose. We think wherever we're flung next is our purpose, or sometimes we just don't even believe we have a true calling. But when you discover your exact purpose, everything in life starts to make more sense. It simplifies decisions. It eliminates distractions. It allows you to organize your life around what truly matters, not because of values and beliefs that you've inherited, but an internal knowing of who you are and why you're here. And so this was something we recognized was missing from our studies, because we would have people making massive leaps in their life, their relationships, their careers, their finances, their physical health, their emotional and mental health. But there was still like a vitality or an energetic space that was missing. And so that's why we're inviting everybody to this Lifted Academy podcast, this joining and collaborating, because we really want to invite everybody to jump on board with this. And we recognize it's we don't give you anything at Lifted that isn't the best.
Like we specifically are both very high standard holders. And that's what makes us so diligent in using our personal purpose, both individual purpose and collective marriage based purpose, to bring you guys the greatest of the great. And we've really found this curriculum and have had our coaches trained in this facilitation of finding your exact purpose.
Because why, why it matters, it's like you are going to gain, even if you already have an incredible life, you're a high achiever, you're going to gain a different level of confidence and courage. It's going to simplify your decision making. I mean, it's literally like, does this align with my purpose or not? Yes or no? Black or white? You know, zero or one?
And it just makes everything else easy to eliminate. Like, okay, this is a waste for me. I'm not going to put my energy into this because that's not who I'm supposed to be.
That's not who I'm called to be. That's not the action that's going to support what I'm here to do. And so a lot of times I'll work with people like really stressed out, like they're in med school or they're doing some kind of a thing where they think that's their purpose and they don't feel like called to it, but they feel like they're supposed to do it because they have this internal belief that if they're not a doctor, they're not valuable or they're not going to be successful. If they're not an attorney, if they're not, whatever it is, fill in the blank, if they don't have kids, that they're not of value to the world, but that isn't true.
3:39 Jon
Well, we get all of that. I mean, there's a wide variety of all of those things that either come from familial obligation or expectations, societal expectations. Some of them are our personal traits that we believe we have, or that we've been told that we have.
And so a lot of that is programming that just manifests in this thing that we've embarked upon. And it may or may not actually align with a purpose that you've come to determine and decide for yourself. I want to also acknowledge what you said, though, about the fact that you know your purpose.
Coach Ted knows his purpose. And then you have a collective purpose that you've decided on.
And that's great, because your purpose and your spouse's purpose may not be exactly the same, because you're different people. But you come at it with an angle where if you're aware of your purpose, your spouse is aware of their purpose, you can say, here's what I will bring to the purpose that we decide on to, you know, to embark on together.
4:54 Andrea
Absolutely. Do you want to touch on that, sir?
4:59 Ted
Yeah, I think that's an important one. I was actually going to see if you wanted to go a little bit deeper on specifically how that came in. What I want to do real quick before we get into specifics on that, but I think that the concept of purpose is fairly nebulous to most people.
And to me, a huge value in this, even though I already knew my purpose, The Purpose Company through their assessment, the piece that is part of this module that we're offering, it breaks it down into a common language. So the same way that if someone's doing Body Recomposition Training at Lifted Academy, they know what the metabolic disruptors are, they know what their macronutrient ratio is, or the same way if someone's doing the Emotional Sobriety Training, they might know what the 4A formula is, or these specific parts. There's a certain nomenclature and languaging to this purpose module that we're doing.
And in the assessment, it breaks this down super clear. And so it's not like a crystal ball where it says, your purpose is X, Y, Z. It really breaks us down into key components, subsegments of what we would consider purpose, some that we come in with naturally, that we're kind of born with as who we are.
They call that your natural advantage. And then there's things that are developed over time. And there's a couple of different subsegments of that.
So I'm wondering if we want to touch on that first, so we kind of give some framing around this. And then we can get into specifics like how creating a conjoined purpose can really be a synergetic thing, like we're mentioning, but like if you have two people coming together, or multiple people in an organization or corporation, it's really the same thing. The idea is, as Jonny pointed out, as you start to know what your purpose is, and then you're communicating with someone else and with their purposes, now you have a synergy.
Now you can fill in each other's gaps. And this is something to me that, I've said this a few times over the last couple of weeks, I really want every single person who's in our direct community, and I encourage as many of those who are outside of our walls to join us in this module as well, because I think there would be something singularly unique about having a couple hundred people at ground zero together, all speaking this similar language, all knowing what their purpose is, and all seeing how they can contribute to the whole. I don't know how many pockets in the world truly have that.
There's things we all do for a job, or maybe that we do as a short-term mission, where we're all on the same page. But being aware of our purpose overall, and then as a community, I think that will send ripple effects all the way throughout the world, even if it's not thousands and thousands and thousands of people.
7:54 Andrea
Yeah, I like what you said about it, it's not a crystal ball. But when you go through this process with us, it's gonna feel like that. It's gonna feel like, yeah, that's me.
That's what I want people to experience, because like I said, I knew my purpose. But when I went through this process of finding the exact nomenclature, if you will, around it and why it was my purpose, it was so eye-opening and so relieving in a place that I didn't even know I needed a relief, because I thought I was already living my purpose.
8:29 Ted
Well, put a pin in that real quick, because we said 90 percent of our population doesn't have that right at the forefront. And so if you think you have anything, I probably don't need to do this module, then. This is why I wanted to focus on that for a moment, because you were so clear on it, that you were already living it.
Every decision we made, individually and jointly, hinged on our individual and collective purpose. And yet for us, this was still a massive series of epiphanies and awakenings and gaining of clarity. So if you think you already have your purpose, trust me when I say it's not quite what you think it is.
When you go through this training, this is going to give you a different level of permission and allowance really to go way deeper in your pursuit of the things that you already think are guiding you forward.
9:17 Andrea
Absolutely. With complete clarity. And that's one of the things, you know, Gabrielle Bosché and Brian Bosché, they have a Ted talk on purpose.
And I believe it's called Your Purpose is Your Permission. And it's really true because there's so many things you might feel called to do or pulled to do but feel like, oh, but no, I'm not good enough or oh, that's not, you know, I don't know how to do that. But trust me, when you see your purpose, you're going to be shocked.
You're going to say, that is 100% me. And you're going to feel proud of yourself for all the things and the quirks about you. And the reason I wanted to talk about relationships and purpose, because when you know your purpose, it gives you that clarity and that joy and that relief.
But when you know your partner's purpose or your team's purpose, everybody else's individual purpose, you start taking their idiosyncrasies or the things that you think are deficits or their weaknesses or their lack of ability to be you. And you see it as their superhero strength. So like, for example, you might be married to somebody who has a subsegment of their purpose.
Let's say that they have adaptive strength. Okay, that's something called an origin strength that comes from your trauma, comes from what you had to overcome as a child. And this is why Emotional Sobriety Training is so perfectly fit into the purpose module.
But if you just were to say, you know, my partner is always bouncing from here to there, and they're, you know, they never commit to something. They're always here. That's actually something that is a strength of theirs.
They just haven't learned how to hone it yet.
10:49 Jon
Right. And because it's not the same thing that's your strength, you go, I don't know, that's it. And it seems like they ought to change that. When in reality, they really ought to focus and enhance.
11:01 Andrea
They need to hone it. Yeah. For the appropriate scenario, right? So someone with an adaptive streak, maybe had divorced parents, they had to go from home to home.
Maybe they were surrounded with chaos. Maybe they moved a lot and they had to be like the new, the new one on campus or the new one in the neighborhood a couple of times. And so they learned this skill to survive. And that skill is just a subsegment of their overall purpose. It's the thing that actually helps them be a superhero in their natural advantage, their pull passion and their acquired skills.
11:35 Ted
So those are a couple of the definitions that people receive, or I should say categories, that then have further definitions. So do you want to go a little bit of detail on that, just to kind of flesh that out so people understand?
11:49 Andrea
Yeah. Well, you know, how we discover purpose is something that we should probably talk about tomorrow and all those specifics.
All right.