This is the Ted O'Neill program. There's so much information in science and philosophy, physical training, performance optimization, nutrition, human experience with Ted O'Neill and Jon Leon Guerrero.
0:23 Jon
Welcome to the Ted O'Neill program. You'd left off yesterday's episodes talking about conditions and requirements (to receive an outcome) to receive an outcome. Now there's the Lifted Academy Charter of meeting everybody where they are. And that's terrific. Because that's where they are. (Yeah) But in order to get somewhere else. There's work to do. (We got to do something different) So, let's talk about conditions and requirements.
0:49 Ted
Any place where someone is if they're reviewing themselves in relation to their perceived higher self or their higher ideals or who they would want to be? Or maybe to track down a goal, whatever that might be for them. They're looking at everything that has made them up until this point, and they're in recognition of a gap. (Okay) I don't know how to go from here to this place that I believe that I quote, “want to be” right? So, if we were just to look at this in a totally linear way…
1:23 Jon
Slow down just a second because I think there's something to be said for, oh, no, I know how to get there. I know how to get there. (Okay) I've been, I know my body, I know, because there's a lot of that that happens as well. And to just say, I've come because I don't know how to get there. (Yeah) How often do you really encounter that? Versus Well, I know how to get there. I'm just you know, insert whatever excuse.
1:49 Ted
Oh, okay. So, if someone says I know how to get there, but? (Yeah) The Yeah, but… (Yeah) Do I encounter that? I think I encounter less of that than I used to. (Oh, good) I think people come with the “knowing”. Like you walk into Diablo and the first thing you see is what?
2:04 Jon
Well, I'm not ready for that question yet because I just want to save okay, you probably repel that. (At least energetic) Yeah. Because when somebody walks in, if that's what they're armed with, yeah, they're going to turn around and walk out pretty fast.
2:17 Ted
Yeah. Mostly because I'm going to be less interested. (Yeah) And that's not to slight anyone on what they want. (Yeah, It's just no time) Now there's no time and it's now one, it's about what I'm good at. Two it's not what I'm trained in. (Yeah) And three, it's not what interests me. It doesn't disparage what they want to do with their life. (Right) But if someone says I just want to kind of stay the same, maybe, okay, it's like everywhere else is perfect for that. (Plenty of spots for that) I want somebody to come in and say I want to know what I don't know. I want to go farther than I ever thought possible. Because I believe that there's something in me that tells me that I can Yeah, that's the thing that interests me. (Okay) It's finding someone's impossible, and then being full with enough desire, as opposed to excuses to engage the work where they would have to fulfill the conditions and requirements to cross that bridge because I guarantee we have a path for it.
3:06 Jon
Okay. So, now as we start to determine conditions and requirements, where do you go from there? You've met somebody where they are, they've expressed the desire they've started to demonstrate that they actually do have the desire. It looks like they're willing to go down the road. What do you do with them next?
3:26 Ted
We would engage in a series of trainings. And I say trainings, not anything else because one of the beliefs that we have is really, and I think about this for a moment. Everything you've experienced in your life is a function of yourself beliefs, your chemistry and training. That's it. (Yeah) That's what forms our chemistry and binds us to physical reality. Our self-beliefs are the way that we see the world through our eyes. And the training is either what we learned or didn't learn on how to do things.
3:59 Jon
Yeah. And will guide our response to whatever the circumstance is.
4:02 Ted
Yes. Now, generally, when someone comes in and tells me something like I want to get strong. I'll first start with here's what we determine that this is when you say that to me, I want to make sure we're speaking the same language. Because if you come and you say I want to get as strong as possible, to me that's really, really simple. In other words, there's no mystery in that. Someone could come in, you know, and be provided within certain parameters. Like they don't have a mechanical deformity that's preventing them from being able to do something like they're not actively injured or something. (Okay) But someone comes in and they say, I want to get the strongest possible. That's a slam dunk. (Yeah) I can assess their movement from top to bottom and probably less than 60 seconds, (right) and look at them and say this is exactly what you would have to do.
4:49 Jon
It's almost like they're pointing to the top of the hill. And you already know the road to the top of the hill.
4:53 Ted
Yeah, like if my house is up there. And so, I know the back roads and I know we actually built the roads there and all this kind of thing. It would there'd be no mystery to it. (Yeah) And I say that because we've been doing this now for over 20 years, and have developed something close to 60 elites in the sport of powerlifting, which I think as a strength coach is the hardest thing to do to take a normal person to an elite total. (Yeah) And I think that's evidenced by how infrequently that happens for regular people. (Sure) So, when someone …
5:23 Jon
I mean for the casual listener, you're talking about regular people versus somebody who is a pedigree lifter, a clear first round draft picks somebody with physical gifts that are outstanding and identifiable right out of the gate. And instead you're taking somebody who walks in and goes, you know, I just happened to be around the corner. And I saw this place and it looked interesting and I thought, hmm,
5:44 Ted
I don't want to go to 24 Hour Fitness. That's usually the starting point for some and by the way, my shoulders messed up or my knee or I hurt my back three years ago, that's usually what I get from material. But yeah, and from your example of someone who has all the pedigree and everything else, they usually have the mental and emotional awareness that goes with that. Physical, that's how they got to be high level. (Yeah) So, most of our people have started from some kind of a deficit. And so that path to getting as strong as possible in this particular scenario is so well fleshed out that it literally takes no time for me because it doesn't exist within time. We've already done it so many times that that map is super, super clear. Now, whether or not someone walks that road now gets into something very different and has nothing to do with the map. (Right) It has everything to do with their level of desire. Because ultimately, desire is going to trump any weakness, imbalance or perceived limitation. Desire will say in faith. (Yeah) They have to be able to believe in the outcome. (Okay) Because if you don't believe in the outcome, you really don't have desire anyway. (Yeah) So, they kind of go hand in hand, but it's worth mentioning. Because a lot of people have the theatrics of desire. Right? So, they're doing all these things externally to appear to be in it. (Yeah) Right. Because they saw someone else on the internet, maybe look that way or make that face or do this thing. But real desire is something a little bit different. It's what drives you, regardless of your situation or circumstances. (Yeah) And you have to believe in that end result enough that the appearance of adverse events doesn’t slow you down the least bit.