Hello, it's Monday and in this case, it's Presidents Day. And that means that today we're observing the holiday schedule at Diablo Barbell if you're rising early to get behind the Prowler in the dark well to celebrate the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. We're going to spare you the pre-Dawn Prowler trip. Regular morning training sessions will be consolidated into a 9am group. Think of General Washington leading the Continental Army across the Delaware River under the cloak of darkness in 1776 to defeat the Hessians in Trenton so you can get back into bed for a couple of hours. The prowler and all the other implements will be waiting for you at nine o'clock. Enjoy.
This is the Ted O'Neill program. There's so much information in science and philosophy, physical training, performance optimization, nutrition, human experience with Ted O'Neill and Jon Leon Guerrero.
1:04 Jon
Welcome to the Ted O'Neill program. We talk a lot about the Lifted Academy benefits to the world. And to me the injustice that exists in the universe is that everybody doesn't have direct access on account of proximity or whatever. But we live in an age where we have some tools that people didn't have before. (It's coming to you) I don't know what your thoughts are about the usefulness of those tools, or the practical results that are achievable with the set of tools that exist now. What do you think?
1:41 Ted
Well, by tools you mean maybe like the internet? (Yeah) Yeah. So, I think, you know, throughout all times, all different ages, you know, there's traditions that are passed along. There are some things you can research and self-study. So, your kind of self-initiate yourself into a process. (Yeah) That last sentence might have come from the Department of redundancy department. But that's kind of the gist of it. Sometimes people find things on their own. (Yeah) Through desire. And then now in the information age, we're constantly inundated with ways to receive information on a broader scale, and access it faster and more immediately. So, that can be whether you see something that's a part of your research or interest and you order on Amazon and within a matter of hours, it's on your doorstep or it can be listening to this very program in one and a half times speed, which people tell me sometimes they do, because they're in a little bit of a hurry. So, they get us talking about complex topics, one and a half times speed if… (They try to cram it) Yeah, man. So…
2:55 Jon
Thankfully, we have masculine voices that don't sound like chipmunks when we turn up the speed but…
I've not tried. (Okay) I don't know. I'm curious though now, now it sparks my curiosity. But I think any place where there is a willingness and by willingness I mean to fulfill the conditions and requirements to go from A to B, and a true desire, which can be that that passion, that fire that pushes you forward, than any way you encounter complex information, is a way that you can ultimately get about on a course of mastery. (Yeah) And this is part of our charter this year, as we push forward more into the virtual space, not at the exclusion of what we're currently doing, because I think, you know, so much of the work that we do, although, I would say, you know, Diablo, for example, on the powerlifting side is very much a lineage teaching. (Yeah)That was from mouth-to-ear from Louie Simmons to me. And I stayed really close to those original principles, and the how and the why of, in other words, Louis shared with me where he got the information and what his thought process was on developing it along those lines.
4:09 Jon
Yeah, this is word of mouth, though, in the traditions of all of the ancient warrior classes.
4:18 Ted
Yeah. So it's kind of cool. And really, it set me up along a path of researching and, and just going through the steps that he had taken, you know, is really, how did he get to these conclusions? And he gave me this list of books and you know, in relatively short order I had like all these translated Russian manuals and odd books on training that were speaking a language although words I recognized were information that seemed to anyone else who was talking about training, was referencing. (Yeah) So, I think there's always a way and there's always going to be the physical presence of what we do, because that to me, is still the lab. Because even in a lineage tradition, you need a means of evolving that system. Consistently. (Yeah) You have to be able to look at this is what we've done so far. What else can we do to continue to get better, to continue to move forward and doesn't mean you just try things randomly. You really have to have a vetting process for any new information and much of this can be in observation of what happens when you closely adhere to a series of processes. In fact, this is where the basis for example of our nutrition protocol or body recomposition challenges as they exist starting off with the first eight weeks, we call it the adherence round. (Yeah) So, let's map something out which based on our conversation, I believe in and of itself is better than what you're currently doing. And I quantify that in these various categories. So, that by you, measurable (with these demonstrated your results) Yeah. So, by engaging in this, your level of intention is practice, moment by moment with much greater frequency than you've ever done before. So, then on the back end of that, we're going to have qualified data and then we can further evolve the process. So, that's kind of a microcosm on what integrated system I think has in play. You have to know enough about how and why things work to be able to put something in practice and then continue to refine and develop it as you go. So, Diablo actual is always going to be the physical lab, so to speak. (Yeah) And the cool thing about that is we always have such a great diversity of members of people who are engaged in this process, you know, people still come to us where they start out where they're injured, they're non athletic, and then over a period of time they get into their bodies, maybe for the first time, and they started engaging more and more of our curriculum and coursework, and as they engulf themselves in that process. It began to completely morph. (Okay) So, I think that part is always going to be what it is, and whatever capacity of the on-site training, it will be in the future. It's going to be kind of the heartbeat of what future curriculums are developed from, but I think there's a huge potential for us to enlarge our scope exponentially to a much wider audience that we can't reach within (four walls) Yeah, within just the four walls and this place we know, we already have a lot of members who commute from a fairly (it’s true) long distance even in an age of seemingly endless options (Yeah) but what about someone who lives two hours away, three hours away, two states, three states away. We want to be able to take the same work to those seekers as well.