Recognizing Your Opportunity

Coach Ted talks about determining the spot where you can free yourself from your attachment and overcome the obstacle to your next milestone.
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Recognizing Your Opportunity

Season 6/Episode 64
February 22, 2023
[Block//Author//First Name] [Block//Author//Last Name] [Block//Date Added %M j, Y g:i a%+0d0h0m]


This is the Ted O'Neill program. There's so much information in science and philosophy, physical training, performance optimization, nutrition, human experience with Ted O'Neill and Jon Leon Guerrero. 

0:23 Ted
When we first started Diablo and it was powerlifting only the first couple years, we would go to a meet and oftentimes our lifters would have a really great meet day experience because all of a sudden, they're using the highest quality bars and benches and squat racks or monoliths and they got they got to the deadlift bar for the first time. And so, they might go and build to outperform what they would normally do in training for that reason alone as they were on a higher-level equipment plus a different environment. And then over time, even sometimes at national meets, we would go there and to our standards, the equipment wasn't up to par. You know, I've even been dummies like the monolith is broken. (Yeah) You know, our bar gets bent or something. And so now all of a sudden, you're at this deficit to where you're used to training in ideal circumstances. And if there's some adversity at the meet that you weren't expecting, I saw that throw people completely off because they had a little bit too easy comparatively on the way up. All of this always comes down to how much is someone really willing to stretch? How bad do they really want anything? And this is where, you know, we've talked about it frequently as of late. But this formula of concept to understanding to embodiment to demonstration is a universal formula you can apply to anything because it's something that everyone is getting stuck somewhere in that equation at some level. Maybe not always at the most basic beginner level, but even really advanced athletes or trainees or people experienced in any facet of life. They're not always going to be demonstrating at their highest potentiality. It takes a lot. It takes a lot of work and an extreme amount of focus and diligence to say yes, in every area of my life. I'm currently in an optimal state, which means we can just then reverse engineer where we are if we understand the potency of that formula. If I'm not currently demonstrating, am I even making an attempt? Yes. All right. And I need to be able to sharpen my singularity of focus, go a little bit deeper and make sure that I'm demonstrating or if the answer is no, no, I'm aware of what I'm supposed to do. I'm not making the attempt to do it, then you know, you're stuck at the understanding phase. (Wow) And you're just stuck in your mind. And since you've been exposed to the concept, you might think you've received the outcome. And then hopefully, that's the moment where you can break through that and get back into action. So, that simple formula can really be applied to everything. (Yeah) And that's something that I really use across all of the different PPT disciplines, because you can always stop and check yourself at any moment.

3:11 Jon
Yeah, well, there's also varying degrees of understanding. So, when you're stuck in the understanding phase, (yes) I think today I understood something at a slightly different level. And so, I haven't yet gotten to the point where I am without fail demonstrating, but I reached an understanding in where my attachments were so that now I can kind of pry loose of a particular attachment. 

3:41 Ted
Oh, let's, let's talk about that for a second. 

3:43 Jon
Okay, so Chris was the operator of the heel cam this morning. And he showed me some things.

3:48 Ted
So, for those not familiar with the heel cam, this is a little bit of an ongoing thing. Where Johnny has a unique ability to drain a squatting motion. (Yeah) Or a deadlift in any kind of a bending motion that requires hip and knee movement. His heel will come off the ground, sometimes entirely several inches off the ground. (Yeah) So, this has been an ongoing thing because it's not an all the time thing yet you can see it clearly exists in the physical beyond. I just lost focus. (Yeah) It's something that from a structural standpoint, needs some work. Yet, there have been times, (yes) when you've been able to master it. So, the heel cam is literally various heel cam operators. (That's right. Sometime Matt) Holding a camera (Yeah) So, you can then see what's occurring during the set and use that visual aid as a tool of proprioception to say, Man, I really thought I had that. But this is what's happening. So now I have a correct representation of what's going on. (Yeah) Okay. So, let's go further with that.

4:45 Jon
Well, the difference between my heel coming off the ground enough that a mouse could run underneath and seeing the heel just leave the ground, or even if the heel didn't necessarily leave the ground, but you could see that the tension wasn't on the heel. The tension rolled forward. (Okay) Today, I understood that my rolling forward, my last set, I missed on the last rep. But I'm where I missed, I understood that to be because I was driving from the heels and fearful that I was going to fall backwards. (Okay) So, now my focus can be not just on pushing back and the end laterally, but on overcoming this fear that I'm going to fall backwards on that last rep. When I failed, I fell backwards, but I felt it. I felt the spot. And so now I know that I am compensating because they don't want to get near that spot.

5:53 Ted
There we go. So, you've created a greater awareness. So, we could call that the mini max part of that particular lift. That's the part where you have the minimum amount of leverage or control against what's now the maximum amount of challenge or resistance. It's the small spot where you check out or where you lose the lift either mentally or mechanically or both.

6:15 Jon
Both. Yeah. Mentally first and then mechanically.

6:19 Ted
Right. And how that is for you with the bar on your back. Since you have certain tensions in your posterior chain, you tend to round the upper back, which then creates the function of the rest of the back now going into flexion which often creates that falling back sensation as well. We lose muscular control, where you lose tension on the appropriate muscles. And so, then you're falling back. And that's also going to prevent you from doing that to go up on your toes to compensate where there's different ways to be able to stay in that groove through creating tension in other muscle groups.

6:50 Jon
Yeah. Now regardless of whether or not you've ever described that to me, I had never had the sensation that connected with the failure to demonstrate.

7:01 Ted
So that's the embodiment. (Okay) You're now making an attempt to bring that training literally into your body. So, now you're aware of this, you're feeling a difference. So, where there was a disconnect before, there's now an awareness that didn't previously exist. So, that's why it's an attempt that then leads to the next stage. Now that I know where that is, I can focus more energy and intention on that minimax point. Now that my heel is staying down the majority of the time, and I know what the catalyst moment is for when this changes, I can now create a greater amount of energy toward that specific little thing if that's now the one thing that prevents you from the breakthrough. Galvanize yourself for that moment. And really, then throw yourself into it knowing that every one of those opportunities when you encounter that same feeling of that same part and the range of motion that would elicit that effect. That's your opportunity to break through.


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