The Formula

Coach Ted gives us the steps for taking control of the Contraction~Expansion discipline.
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The Formula

Season 3/Episode 56
January 10, 2022
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This is the Ted O'Neill program, a podcast that explores the science and philosophies for performance optimization, and the elevation of the human experience with Ted O'Neill and Jon Leon Guerrero. 
Welcome to the Ted O'Neill program. We're installing the formula.

0:21 Ted
Yeah. So, if we talked about being able to first you know, recognize this and create a paradigm shift around this idea of contraction to actually begin to look forward to it. Sometimes even when you're in the expanded state, start looking forward to the contraction. Okay, right. And you start to think now, when I'm in that next time, I'm going to navigate that differently. So, if you picture this as a switch being installed, like a light switch, yeah, and there's the old way that I used to do it. And when I'm contracted, I'd be in the dark. Okay, but now we're going to put this we're going to install this switch. And so, when you're in the contracts, you can instantly flip your lights back on. Okay, so that's, that's a little bit of a paradigm shift. This is going to take practice and desire. And I talked earlier in the week about this idea about action and urgency. And I can't stress that enough. If you're just listening to these things, and then you get back in your car and you go back about doing the same things you've always done, you're going to have a life, that's going to look like the things you've always done. Yeah. So, if you can begin to grab on to these concepts, you know, if someone has listened to this and taking notes all week long, and then they write out the following formula, and they put it into practice, let's say for the next month, every single day, I guarantee your life will be fundamentally changed. So, what does it look like to install that switch? And then we're going to back that up with practice and desire. So, let's talk about this because we can we can I think we can create a formula out of this.
1:54 Jon
Okay. And then I say that because we have you think we can do you? 
1:57 Ted

Yeah, so you know how to make this, how to make this work for you. So, we've talked about recognizing contraction as a function, a natural function, the natural order of things, it's not an identification itself, unless you allow it to be or choose it to be. So, in that, then we can recognize that contraction is a state of being. Right, and what's the state of being we've talked about this before. And again, this isn't my original concept, what a state of being is, but a state of being would be a thought that's added to, essentially a chemical in the body or a feeling, because your feelings are essentially just biochemical responses that are tied toward an event. Yeah. So, if your state of being is something that you can choose, and you can affirm in the positive or the negative, then the moment we can recognize that contraction is a choice, yeah. Again, now we begin to express the potential for freedom.
2:59 Jon
Okay, give us a minute with this. Because the you can choose a thought you can dictate an emotion. Yes. So, since you can do both of those things, then that makes a state of being completely controllable?

3:15 Ted
Well, that's what I call one of the most important skills that we can learn in our lifetime.
Jon Leon Guerrero
Yeah. Well, let's let everybody ruminate on that for a moment.
Ted O’Neill
So, I'm using Johnny ABS quote, let's pause on this. Okay, for a minute. So, I want you to say that again,
3:31 Jon
you can conjure a thought, yeah, you can choose an emotion. Yes. And if you can do both of those things, then you can control your state of being.

3:39 Ted
And if you control your state of being what do you control?

3:44 Jon
Your rate of change your life, your whole life.

3:46 Ted
Yeah. So, this is why I say it's the most important skill that we can learn as a human being. So, it and we do this, by the way, 100% of the time, now, we just don't affirm it in the positive toward the things that we actually desire. That's because within the framework that we live, there's all these implied social contracts and unspoken agreements that say, this is what life is supposed to be. So, we tend to habituate toward the negative, yeah. And commiserate on those experiences, and then hold on to those. Yeah. Because we feel there's a certain power and identity into that. Yeah. And we might get attention for it, or we might get recognition and whatever it is, we go into those places more frequently for most people, then we affirm in the positive.
4:35 Jon
Okay, so these are all thoughts. Yeah, all of these circumstances or thoughts, all of these unspoken agreements, they're all thoughts. And they're all thoughts we choose to accept. Yeah. And so that's our acceptance individually, every one of those and then the emotion associated with it. We can be mad about it. We can be disappointed we can wallow in our anger. Whatever it is, we've chosen that too. Mm hmm. So, what it takes to master this important skill? Is the acknowledgement, once again, of this thought, whatever the thought is, and then do you choose that thought? Or do you choose a different thought? Yeah. And so, emotion? Yes. Do you choose that emotion? Do you allow for that emotion? Or do you create a different chemical for a different response? Also, a choice.
5:29 Ted
So, you're suggested when you say, do you create a different? You're suggesting then that you could do that without an event?
5:38 Jon
As you've reasoned this out? It seems that there's no other way to express that can.
5:45 Ted
But yeah, you could? Yeah, so in other words, and I say that, because I frequently say most human beings, the overwhelming majority of us are event-based creatures. Yeah, we allow the event to dictate to us how we should feel and who we are in relation to the event. In fact, if you tell most people, they have the power to decide on how an event sits within them, some of them will literally argue to the death over Yeah, that's true. And they don't even recognize that there. Again, a quote we use frequently. They're arguing for their limitations. That's right. So that's how trapped we are within this framework out of perpetual limitation and negativity, wow, we don't even recognize that, even though we do it every single day, and we affirm it in the negative, that the very act of doing that means that we can affirm it, in the positive Yeah, toward what we actually desire in life in any scope of life. So then, if we start to look at it that way, that's, that's flipping the switch. Yeah, that's recognizing I am completely in charge of myself, and my energetic state in all moments. And anything that seems contrary, only seems that way, because I'm an illusion that I bought into. That's right. So, it's a skill. And if we can practice and master the skill, the exact same way at Diablo we teach people to practice and master the skill of the powerless. We get better at it through repeating the things that are commensurate with mastery. So, we've all of us, I would say, before we embark on this work of selectively creating an identity have mastered how we do this, we just affirm it in the negative.
7:42 Jon
What a thing to be good at,
7:43 Ted
well, it's handy. Here's why. Because if we get into this state where we say, you know, I'm just, I always make mistakes, and you've lost the entire value of the lesson. Yeah. If you can say, I'm really good at doing it this way. We now know that we have a valuable skill. And the rest of it is totally subjective. That's right. So, if we can turn that around with that skill still in hand, and now point our consciousness toward the exact opposite outcome, yes. Now we have a skill that is going to guide us in service in ways we never thought possible for. So, let's review because that's a lot we just did added a lot. Okay, so here we go. And again, much of this requires what all of it requires desire. Because the emotion has to be real, that you choose to feel in this. And for a lot of people desire comes when they hit some kind of theoretical bottom or where they're struggling with a lot of pain, because that can be the impetus to get you into momentum. Recognize this, when we have these formulas, you no longer have to experience rock bottom. If we can reverse engineer how these things work, you don't have to wait for the cataclysmic event to make change in life, you can simply choose it. And if you choose it and practice it, you can get really, really good at it. And by getting good at it, you're going to want more of it. So, let's review the formula. There we go. So, the first thing is you need to recognize that contraction is a function of the universe everywhere within us and outside of us. It's not an identification of self, unless you choose it. So therefore, you can make it work for you. Step two, you're going to recognize the contraction is a state of being, it's not an identity. And the key words there are a state of being. So, step three is recognizing that a state of being is a choice of thought plus the biochemistry in your body, or the origin moment that creates a self-belief, right? So, what we believe to be true, we create a state of being around it. It's a thought married to a chemical math with a chemical. So, we're what we're going to do now is we're going to use a PPT lever, potentially we're going to use this scale of polarity, what's the opposite of what we're experiencing this in this contract and say, that's one of the ways to do this. Because when you can identify what the opposite is, we can now align with the thing that we actually desire. The other way to do this is if we're already on a path where we're super clear, we feel that we've gotten off the path.
10:23 Ted
We're just going to look at what our prior intention was, and then simply realign with that. So, at this point, you just flip the switch by looking at that opportunity, that struggle is the opportunity, and you start taking action toward the outcome. So, what does that look like? The first action step is to find the feeling, not what you're experiencing in the contraction, find the feeling of what the expansion would be like? Not what events would happen not well, if I won the lottery, or any of this thing. What would the feeling be? Yeah, right. So in that case, if someone said, Well, if I win the lottery, I would, wouldn't have to work anymore, I have all this money, they don't want necessarily to not have to work, they don't want to have a big bank account, they want to experience a different level of freedom in their life they're not currently having, right. So that's what I mean by the feeling. So, identify that not the things that you can put in your hands or the clothes you can wear. But what's the feeling mind that's crucial to being able to align with this. So then once you've found that feeling, you begin to practice feeling that opposite feeling of where you are in the contracted state, the very act of doing that puts you in a non-contracted state. So, you have these steps, the started with acknowledgement, now you're in this new feeling. From there, you're going to take any next tactile actions or things you'd have to do action steps in the physical world. So that's a pretty clear blueprint, I want to see who's courageous enough, and who has enough faith, to walk through those steps. Now, by faith, I want to define this again. Because when people hear the word faith, and they think, oh, here comes the religious connotation, yeah, you are not going to get that from me. Right, it's just not going to happen. I don't define faith in a religious view. Faith is in the knowing that the thing that you've selected as your highest intention or desire is something that you can absolutely achieve. And you have to feel and see that vision so clearly, that nothing can deter you from that. So, we have what I would call the illusion of circumstance flowing through our life. If we switch our focus from this end outcome that we've chosen, that we have faith in toward the distraction or the circumstance, now that has all of our energy and attention, by definition that's lacking faith. Faith is the attachment to the end outcome, regardless of what your physical reality or mental space appears to be in that moment in time. So, you have to be able to hold that vision at all times. And you're going to get tested on this. As you as you walk through this. And that's when I say courage and faith are action steps to reverbs. To use an analogy, we were talking off air about fighter pilots. Yeah. Right to be a fighter pilot, I would imagine, you would have to have a lot of courage. Yeah. And a lot of faith that you're going to make it back home. Yep. And you'd have to be so tied into that, that you would, I mean, you wouldn't be thinking about getting gunned down, you'd be thinking about returning home. If you were a firefighter, right, and you have to kick the door in and run into a burning building. Right, you're not going to knock on the door, in a really demure fashion and try the handle. There's no time and ask if someone has keys? No, you have to you have to bust that door down with a massive sense of urgency, knowing that every second counts for the lives involved. That's exactly the place where I really want to see our people get to hurt anyone who's practicing PPT whether they're at Diablo actual physical location, or if they're just hearing these podcasts somewhere in Cleveland, that they can step up and use these things as tools, levers and disciplines in their life to elicit real change.


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