When You Reach the Limit

Coach Ted talks about regulating your chemistry so you can break free of the pool of experience and pool of bias that holds you back.
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When You Reach the Limit

Season 6/Episode 31
January 8, 2023
[Block//Author//First Name] [Block//Author//Last Name] [Block//Date Added %M j, Y g:i a%+0d0h0m]


This is the Ted O'Neill program. There's so much information in science and philosophy, physical training, performance optimization, nutrition, human experience with Ted O'Neill and Jon Leon Guerrero. 
0:23 Ted
The “Yeah, but’s” are a direct indicator that you've reached the limit of your subconscious programming. And you're now just regurgitating the thing that you believe to be true based on your prior training i.e. you don't have the training to stay in that conversation, because your mind is now closed off to all other potentials. (Right) So, there are ways to break that down into smaller pieces. We call those Microbes bridges so the uninitiated can become the initiated. So, where the uncommon can begin to happen with regularity. So, the anomalous becomes the expected but you have to then, you have to have desire, and you have to have the ability to let go of the limited thinking, to surrender your attachments to your past ways of thinking and behaving as we like to say otherwise nothing new is ever going to happen to you from the outside. You have to cultivate it from inside. So, you would then need to have a means of regulating your chemistry moment by moment. That's in large part what our body recomp does. It gives you the greater framework to do that. And then the emotional sobriety training to be able to manage your thoughts moment by moment creating a new identity, so you're no longer drawing from the same pool of experience and the same pool of bias that you've had your entire life. (Yeah) This is the ticket to beginning training in the New.
1:47 Jon
You’re describing things like the same pool of bias though and you know, what really happens is that in your pool of bias, you've learned a chemical recipe. (Yes) And that chemical recipe you've learned and ingrained and you replicate and a number of circumstances and what these tools are because to reinforce we're not down on knowledge and expertise or anything like that. What we are saying to punctuate your previous point was that sometimes a body of knowledge like that creates a circumstance that allows people a very limited kind of thinking. Because you figured that you've learned it all.
2:39 Ted 
Right, give me more of the chemical recipe. 
2:41 Jon
Well, the chemical recipe, the things that we identify as emotions are our responses to chemicals that we create internally. And circumstances drive us to call upon those recipes. (Yeah) You know who I can't stand when somebody.
3:01 Ted
Right. So, you have an emotional response, or what you could call an emotionally triggered behavior. (Yeah) So, what is an emotion? It's that chemical recipe. (Yeah) What is the chemical recipe? It's a series of any number, potentially hundreds, 1000s, etc., of biochemical processes in the body that had been matched with a prior thought that we deemed to be reality. That's what an emotion is. (Yeah) So, that's inconvenient. If someone has the knowledge on how to control your thoughts, Right? Because they can control your thoughts or your emotions are doing one in the same.
3:40 Jon
Yeah. Just think about if you've ever said Did you just call me a… (Yeah) whatever your word is. I can't stand when people… (yeah) whatever it is you can't stand when people.
3:52 Ted
That means that person at that moment is controlling the other person. 
3:56 Jon
That's right. But sometimes it's not even an attempt to control because you may meet a total stranger, who is from someplace where they use a word that's pretty common. And they eat maybe even a term of endearment. And they say that to you and you go, did you just, you just call me a…
4:15 Ted
It is something from, you know, this is a thing someone was asking me about. You know, what's the best way to handle the opinion of other people? And I said, Well, the first thing you really have to understand if we're going to talk about this is anyone's opinion of you, in a literal sense, has nothing to do with you. It just doesn't. It only has to do with their perception and their learning space on their trains and based on their chemical responses to any number of other stimulus where they've been…
4:49 Jon
Including how they choose to manipulate you.
4:52 Ted
all of it has nothing to do with you. It only has to do with their worldview, (right) period. And I bring that up as an example because so many people are habitually in the space of giving their power away or assigning their power to other people. So much so that I know some people were there, they just don't engage in conversation unless they're around familiar people (Sure) or they won't go out in public unless they're dressed a certain way. Because they're so preoccupied with the opinions of others, that they don't realize they're giving away their own life, moment by moment, to that very opinion of something that doesn't even it's not even reality. It's their perception of what they think other people are going to believe. So, this is why it's so important to get control of your chemistry. And there's multiple ways to do that. There are multiple trainings that allow you if that sounds like a fantastic thing again, for the uninitiated, when you're hearing that. You would think well, of course I'm going to react to someone saying this to me and why? Why, when you really understand what's real, why would you ever give your power away to something or someone that you don't agree with? It's the ultimate form of weakness.  (Yeah) That's what that is. It's not empowerment. It's giving your power away. So, learning to control your chemistry, your thoughts, really is at the foundation of being able to create sustained, lasting accomplishment in any field or endeavor.


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